How children read music?

Written Music Lessons howick is a language that has been developing for many years and even the music we read today has been around for over 300 years. Music symbolization is the representation of sound from basic notations for pitch, duration and timing to more progressive descriptions of expression and even special effects. Well reading music is the tough thing for children and they feel irritation sometimes. So there are some things that children need to know before reading the music. These are:


  1. Get a handle on the musical staff: Before children are ready to start learning music, they must get a sense for the basic information that practically everyone who reads music needs to know. The straight lines on a piece of music make up the staff. This is the most basic of all musical symbols and the foundation for everything that need to follow for them.The musical staff is an arrangement of five parallel lines and the spaces between these lines. Both lines and spaces are numbered for reference purposes and are always calculated from lowest to highest staff.
  2. Start with the Triple Clef: One of the first things that children will encounter when reading music is the clef. This sign which looks like a big, fancy symbol at the left end of the staff. It is the legend that tells them approximately what range their instrument will play in. All instruments and voices in the higher ranges use the triple clef and for this introduction to reading music.
  3. Learn the parts of a note: children need to learn basic notes to read music. Separate note symbols are a combination of up to three simple elements: note head, stem, and flags.
  • Note head: This is an elliptical shape that is either open in white or closed in black. It tells the performer that what note to play on their instrument.
  • The stem: This is the shrill vertical line that is attached to the note head. When the stem is pointing up, this joins on the right side of the note head and when the stem is pointing down, this joins the note head on the left. These direction has no effect on the note but it makes notation easier to read and less cluttered to children.The universal rule on stem direction is that at or above the center line of the musical staff, then stem points down. Similarly when the note is below the middle of the staff, then stem points up.
  • The flag: This is the bent stroke that is attached to the end of the stem. No matter if the stem is joined to the right or left of the note head. The flag is constantlydrawn to the right of the stem and never to the left.

So, taken together, the note, stem, and flag show the musician the time value for any given note as measured in beats or segments of beats. When children listen to music, they're tapping their foot in time to the music, this means they're recognizing that beats.